Reviews are key to rankings and ratings on this site and we encourage all visitors to review the sites they have been to. It is really easy to do so, just search for the site you wish to review and click on the “Reviews” tab and away you go.
Please be honest about your review and feel free to complement people to your heart’s content. Also adding photos can really help other people know how great the site is and what a great time you had there.
Negative Reviews
In an ideal world, there wouldn’t be any negative reviews and we do understand that sometimes, things may not have been as great as they could have been.
We still encourage people to leave reviews, even if they are not glowing reports but we also strongly encourage people to write them in a positive manner and to be as constructive as possible.
For example, if you’ve experienced an issue where you went to a site and it had been double booked, you may be very tempted to write a scathing report about how useless the staff are, pick holes in everything including the weather at the time and advise people to avoid it at all costs.
In reality, we wouldn’t publish that sort of report.
What we would do is go back to the person writing the review to ask them to re-word it so it is more suitable.
It could still be a low scoring report and highlighting the double booking whilst advising future visitors to double check their booking just in case a repeat of your experience was to happen again. Finishing with a statement about how much the site did to try and put things right would obviously help.